Ice swimming and Cryotubs offer you the same benefits: use them both to make the most of the cold’s restorative power


Swimming in ice cold water may not sound like your idea of a good day out. Taking a dip in a Cryotub filled with cold water for some cold water immersion therapy may also sound off-putting. Why not swim in a heated pool and then go for a nice, relaxing, warm bath? Surely that’s nicer?

Perhaps, or perhaps not.

Warm water won’t give you the same advantages as taking a dip in the cold.

Ice swimming

It’s becoming increasingly common to see people waiting for cold winter’s days, taking themselves off to a lake or river, stripping down and jumping in. It’s a bit of a New Year tradition in parts of Scotland, it’s used therapeutically in Scandinavia, and, in Russia, cold water swimming is all the rage.

Usually, seeing somebody jump half-naked into a pool of freezing water in the middle of winter would sound like madness. However, it isn’t an isolated thing. Gatherings are common, complete with lifeguards on hand, bands playing live music, a cheerful sense of bonhomie amongst dozens or even hundreds of fellow ice swimmers, and usually a bowl of hot soup or a tot of something warming and boozy when people come out of the water.

Charitable gatherings do happen, with people going ice swimming as a fundraising opportunity. However, there are some distinct health advantages to ice swimming- benefits that overlap with cold water immersion, quite naturally, that mean that jumping into the cold may be far more attractive than going for warm, cosey baths. The health benefits of regularly taking part in cold water immersion or ice swimming are really quite profound.

Voor de meesten van ons lijkt het misschien verrassend om midden in de winter iemand halfnaakt in een ijskoude plas water te zien springen. Zo vreemd is het niet meer. Er zijn steeds meer bijeenkomsten met badmeesters bij de hand, live bands die spelen, vreugde, gezelligheid, tientallen of zelfs honderden medezwemmers en meestal een kom warme soep of een goede warme maaltijd en soms alcohol voor degenen die uit het water komen.

Er vinden ook liefdadigheidsbijeenkomsten plaats, waarbij mensen in ijskoud water zwemmen om geld in te zamelen. Maar naast het maffe aspect van de praktijk (op het eerste gezicht), zijn er veel voordelen aan het zwemmen in ijskoud water. Hierdoor wordt het net iets aantrekkelijker om in de kou te springen dan om in een warm bad te gaan. De gezondheidsvoordelen van het onderdompelen in koud water en het zwemmen in ijskoud water zijn inderdaad heel diepgaand.

The benefits of ice swimming and cold water immersion

Both cold water swimming and cold water immersion are growing in popularity, thanks in part to the championship of public figures like Wim Hof, the ice man himself. As they grip popular culture, the science has been catching up with them, looking into the range and veracity of the benefits offered by both.

With each new study, the method to the madness is being revealed. Where people may have previously stayed away from the cold, ostensibly sensibly shunning the idea of jumping into the cold northern seas with a bunch of other enthusiasts or getting into sub- ten degree baths in favour of more comfortable pursuits, more and more are realising how much they can boost their health and fitness by getting involved.

Some of the health benefits of both cold water immersion and ice swimming include:

Boosting your immune system

De effecten van koud water op het immuunsysteem zijn uitgebreid onderzocht. Hoewel er nog steeds gegevens worden verzameld, ondersteunen eerdere bevindingen het idee dat regelmatige blootstelling aan de kou inderdaad het immuunsysteem versterkt. Het aantal witte bloedcellen neemt toe omdat het lichaam gedwongen wordt zich aan te passen aan voortdurend veranderende (en mogelijk sterk dalende) temperaturen, waardoor het gaandeweg beter bestand is tegen ziekten en infecties.

Cheering you up

Cold water immersion makes you happier and calmer. It activates the body’s endorphin and adrenaline production. Endorphins are a chemical produced in the brain to provide positive feedback and make us feel good. Adrenaline is a natural mood booster and pain killer Cold water immersion has an effect similar to that which takes us close to the pain barrier- adrenaline and endorphins are released when we are in pain or excited, which we all are when exposed to extreme cold.

In addition, cold water swimming is a form of exercise- it is potentially a very demanding one. Exercise is also good for releasing endorphins and has been linked to, and used as, depression treatment. 

Both are stressful for the body, both physically and mentally. Multiple studies have identified the link between cold water and stress reduction as our bodies become adapted to stress management and immunity to cortisol, the stress hormone.

All taken together, cold water swimmers and cold water immersion practitioners can expect to be happier, calmer and more pain-free.

Daarnaast is koud water zwemmen een vorm van sporten – het is potentieel zeer veeleisend. Oefening is ook goed voor het vrijmaken van endorfine en is gekoppeld aan en gebruikt als behandeling van depressies. 

Beide zijn belastend voor het lichaam, zowel fysiek als mentaal. Meerdere studies hebben het verband tussen koud water en vermindering van stress geïdentificeerd naarmate ons lichaam zich aanpast, leert om te gaan met stress en immuun wordt voor cortisol, het stresshormoon.

Alles bij elkaar genomen kunnen koud water zwemmers en koud water dompelaars verwachten dat ze gelukkiger en rustiger zijn in hun leven en minder gevoelig zijn voor pijn.

Improving your circulation

Cold water immersion is great for your circulation. It stimulates the muscles used in the veins, arteries and capillaries, forcing blood to the surface and to our organs, helping to keep us warm. This is basically a workout for our circulation systems, making them stronger and more efficient over time. Add this to the exercise involved in cold water swimming, during which heart rates rise and circulation speeds up, and you have a recipe for success.

Increasing your libido

It used to be a truism that throwing a bucket of cold water on an animal- or a person, for that matter- would calm down their sexual urges. Cold showers were a byword for sexual repression. However, the opposite is likely true: regular exposure to the cold increases the libido.

Regular cold water immersion raises testosterone and oestrogen production. Both are key in maintaining high sex drives and maintaining fertility.

Of course, it doesn’t hurt that happier, more relaxed people often experience higher sex drives. It all comes together quite nicely.

Speeding up your metabolic rate

Aside from ice swimming being a good calorie burning workout that builds metabolically active muscle mass, cold water immersion can speed up your metabolism more generally. The heart has to work harder to maintain the improved circulation mentioned above. Far more calories are therefore used during cold water swimming than in swimming in warmer conditions, and a post-workout dip in a Cryotub may likely make your workout’s energy consumption that much more efficient.

These are just a few benefits. Really, the list could go on and on. The main things to take away, however, are that cold water immersion in whatever manner is highly beneficial to your physical and mental wellbeing, and that different forms can be greatly complimentary.

If you’re a keen ice swimmer, there is a high chance that you will enjoy and benefit from cold water immersion therapy in a Cryotub. If you’ve used cold water immersion and gained benefits, it may be time to take the plunge and try ice swimming.

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